My models.
HG MS-06S Char’s Zaku II Revive

Model: HG MS-06S Char’s Zaku II Revive
Started: 2022.07.23
Finished: 2022.07.30
Assemble time: ≈9h including posing
Comment: With gained experience on RX-78-2 and new tools (glass file and a solid olfa knife, both great) it went even easier for me to assemble this one. I'm happy with it, but I have some small complaints. Foremost, some plastic marks from the manufacturing process on the spiky shoulder pad are quite jarring, and hard to remove. Second, the plastic part of the lower legs are not as a tight fit as I'm used to from bandai. And lastly, it's kinda ridiculous that the stock of the gun is so big, it's actually very difficult to put it in mech's hand, and even harder to get any proper pose with it. In the end, I swapped it with the bazooka, which is also a little awkward to hold, but not nearly as bad as the gun.
I'm keeping my eye on rg sazabi... expensive one though, so maybe next year.
I also assembled grey action base 2, visible in the pictures.

Added on 2022.07.31
HG RX-78-2 Revive

Model: HG RX-78-2 Revive
Started: 2022.03.01
Finished: 2022.03.03
Assemble time: ≈7h
Comment: I had a lot of fun assembling it, though, it was pretty easy. I want to try at least one MG in the future as they are apparently more complex, but considering their steep price, I'm not sure when that will happen.

Added on 2022.03.03